Get Results When Describing Back Pain To Your Orthopedist
One of the most challenging things for a patient can be explaining their experience with pain to their orthopedist. Discerning the cause of a patient’s discomfort requires an understanding of how that patient is experiencing pain. Unfortunately, describing pain can be more difficult than it sounds, especially describing it in a way that is meaningful […]
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Idiopathic Scoliosis in Children and Adolescents
When we’re children one of the first things we get checked for during our school years is scoliosis. This word is used to describe a condition that causes a sideways curvature of the spine. In most cases this condition is idiopathic, meaning that there is no discernible cause of the condition. The period of life […]
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Exercises to Strengthen Your Back
Your back does important work, supporting every part of your body through everything you do from walking and dancing to simply reaching over for something under your desk. That means it’s incredibly important to take proper care of your back and ensure that you give it every advantage to keep working properly for as long […]
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The Low Down on ACL Injuries
The ACL or anterior cruciate ligament is an incredibly important ligament that plays a large role in stabilizing your knee. Chances are when you hear about someone sustaining an ACL injury you think about athletes. But these injuries can happen to anyone and when they do it is important that you get seen right away. […]
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Knee Osteoarthritis and Knee Replacements
Knee osteoarthritis or degenerative arthritis of the knee is a common problem seen in individuals as they age. While it can be hereditary, often knee osteoarthritis can also be the result of being overweight or injured. What causes knee osteoarthritis? Knee osteoarthritis occurs when the natural cushioning between your knees – the cartilage – wears […]
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