Are You a Candidate for Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy aims to improve mobility and function throughout the body, but many people wonder if physical therapy can help them in their ailments and illnesses. The answer: Many people can benefit from physical therapy, even if they’re not injured because physical therapy can act as a preventative for conditions and illnesses. Because physical therapists focus on relieving the pain and promoting health, physical therapy can facilitate and restore function and movement, promote physical healing, and train muscles back to health.
Choosing physical therapy may seem like a daunting process because of the associations with it; most often, people believe that physical therapy is meant for those who are unable to function and that physical therapy is seen as a debilitating aspect of one’s own condition. Physical therapy however can treat a wide range of conditions related to physical and mental health, and treat people of all ages. Physical therapy aims to analyze the growth and development of your body, and work on improving the physical aspects that are necessary for growth and development. Physical therapy’s meant for both non-disabled and disabled people as a source for healing and development.
What conditions medically qualify for physical therapy?
Any injury or illness that results in pain, physical impairment, or limited mobility qualifies. Physical therapists tend to evaluate their patients based on their ability to function and work towards having positive experiences with their patients over time. Some illnesses that qualify, for instance, include:
- Stroke – Victims of strokes tend to experience life-long after-effects, including slurred speech, weakness throughout the body, and difficulties with balance. Physical therapy can work to regain balance and strength in the muscles through training exercises.
- Fractures – Fractures resulting from accidents and sports injuries can lead to future problems with maintaining mobility, muscle tone, and feeling in the area. Physical therapy can work on the range of motion in the area, and provide treatment strategies to overcome the negative effects resulting from the injury.
- Spinal cord injury – Spinal cord injuries have a drastic impact on one’s life; through long treatment programs, physical therapy can help regain partial mobility and progress healing back to the most optimal range of motion and efficiency.
- Carpal tunnel syndrome – Because of the long-term effects of carpal tunnel syndrome, simple tasks such as holding a phone or buttoning clothes can become a tedious, painful task. Physical therapy can teach people how to manage their carpal tunnel syndrome, giving hand exercises to bring strength back to the tendons.
- Amputations – After an amputation, the loss of feeling and lack of balance can occur due to the impact amputations have on the body; physical therapy can retrain the body to regain its normal function, and help the individual adjust to their body before providing prosthetics.
- Arthritis – The progression of arthritis can damage the joints over time and cause inevitable changes to your body. Physical therapy can slow down the progression, help control pain, and preserve function as much as possible.
Have questions about physical therapy? Contact the Space Coast Orthopedics, located in Merritt Island, FL, to schedule an appointment today. Dr. Luc Teurlings will be happy to see you.

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