Could Your Bed Be Hurting Your Body

At the end of a long day of hard work and an active lifestyle collapsing into your bed should be a blessed and much-anticipated event. For some people, however, there isn’t as much to look forward to in the morning. Waking up can bring aching bones, a feeling of exhaustion like you haven’t slept, and general soreness that makes you wonder why the bed felt so good the night before. For these people, it’s likely that their bed isn’t doing their body any favors. The following article will include some examples of what sleeping on a bad mattress can do, and give you the opportunity to decide if it’s been the problem all along.
Do You Have Difficulty With Remembering Things?
Sleep is the body’s opportunity to rest and recover from a long day, and a long night’s sleep is actually essential to incorporating new information taken in during the day. When you aren’t getting a good nights sleep it can become difficult to remember how to do things you do every day, let along new skills you’re trying to learn. If your mattress isn’t letting you get your best night’s sleep, these things can be impaired.
Are You Less Alert And Attentive Than You Used To Be?
Everyone knows that not getting enough sleep can leave you mentally sluggish and generally less able to respond to events going on around you. Unfortunately getting poor sleep can be just as bad as not getting enough sleep, and can leave you feeling like your brain is in a fog. Focusing on your projects can be difficult, you may be more easily distracted than usual, and multitasking (which is already a bad idea) becomes even more difficult than before.
Is Your Blood Pressure Higher Than It Should Be?
Of all the things doctors talk about that can affect your blood pressure, getting enough sleep isn’t often one of them. Be that as it may, research has shown that REM sleep helps to reduce your blood pressure, keeping you at a healthier level. Unfortunately if this stage of sleep is continuously interrupted than you won’t be gaining this benefit. This stage of sleep is also your body’s chance to reduce stress as it releases regulatory hormones to counter it. Stress and high blood pressure have been clearly linked.
Lack Of Sleep Can Be Fighting Back Against Your Weight Loss Efforts
Everything in your body is centered around being properly balanced and properly rested, and that includes your metabolism. Lack of proper sleep can result in an inability to burn off those excess pounds, and result in you feeling hungrier than you actually are. Leptin levels increase while you’re sleeping, this is the hormone that tells your body its full. If you aren’t getting enough sleep it can impact your ability to avoid eating sugary snacks and eating proper amounts.
If you’re experiencing all these conditions there’s a good possibility that your bed is part of what’s impacting you. If you suspect you’re having difficulty sleeping and want to know if its a bad bed, sleep apnea, or some other aspect of your health contact Dr. Luc Teurlings at Space Coast Orthopedics in Merrit Island, FL today.

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