Get The Family Out Of The House With These Outdoor Autumnal Adventures

With the cool weather of autumn setting in your kids are likely starting to spend even more time indoors than they did before. The coming of Fall is no reason to stop taking care of your body and having great family adventures with your kids though! Instead, you can have unique quality time together doing things that are unique to this time of year, all while building valuable connections with your family.
Spend Time Playing Some Family Favorites
The fact that it’s a little chillier outside just makes it a better time to play games like Capture the Flag, Kickball Keep Away, and Red Light, Green Light. These games keep the body active and take advantage of the cooler temperatures to ensure that no one gets overheated.
Take A Walk In The Fall Colors
This time of year brings an astounding palette of colors to nature paintbrush, so why not take your children out to explore the changing world and discover new colors. You can also collect things like fallen acorns and bright fallen leaves in every color to do art projects in the evenings. With a dark setting in earlier and earlier every day, why not take advantage of it by using the things you’ve collected during your walk?
Geocaching Is A Treasure Hunt For Everyone
While we’re outside finding treasures, why not follow the trails laid by those before you by doing a little geocaching. Geocaching is the practice of taking coordinates left by others to find the treasures they left there, often in weatherproof containers. When you find them, you get to explore what’s inside and then restore it to the place it was found after leaving something of your own. It’s a great way to explore the world and enjoy the beauty of fall.
Play In The Leaves
There’s nothing the child in us loves more than to jump into a giant pile of leaves. Even after you’ve spent an entire day raking up your yard and creating this enormous pile, it’s hard not to plummet into it immediately. There’s something about the crunch of the leaves combined with the burst of distinctly fall odors that surrounds you as you fall into it that is decidedly unique.
Hayrides, Haunted Or Otherwise
Local orchards tend to have amazing festivals that take place during this time of year, showcasing Apple Cider and other local favorites made from their produce. Along with these great treats, there are often hayrides through the farm and animals to see as well. When it’s all over you can pick up a jug of local cider to take home, and maybe even some fresh apples to make a winter Apple Pie from!
These are just some of the activities you can participate in with your family at this time of year, ensuring that you can stay active until the skiing season arrives. Every year more and more families are using the cool air as an excuse to stop their yearly exercise early, don’t fall for it! Get out there and explore the world. While you’re at it why not pick up the phone and call Space Coast Orthopedics and schedule an appointment with Dr. Luc Teurlings. Their team of experts has been helping families keep fit and take proper care of their bodies in the Merritt Island, FL area, and are ready to help your family too!

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