Here’s How to Keep Exercise in Your New Year’s Resolution

The new year is here and if you haven’t already started on attacking your new year’s resolution to exercise more, now is the time. After all, the earlier you start trying to reach your goals the sooner you will. But, how do you start an exercise routine when you either don’t know where to start or aren’t quite sure you’re even in the best health to do so?
Well, the first thing you need to do it get cleared for exercise by Dr. Teurlings. He’ll assess your overall health and determine whether you’re able to start working out and if so, where to start.
Don’t delay | If you’ve been given the green light to work out, then set a goal to start moving today. Go for a walk, do a seven-minute workout (there’s an app available for your phone and it’s free), or find a yoga video on YouTube. The minute you start moving you’ll begin to feel motivated and excited that you’re putting in the work for your goals.
Strategize | You might have goals in mind, but you won’t reach them unless you create a strategy as to how you will go about doing so. Create a written plan that you can refer to anytime you have questions about what you’re doing or where you’re headed. It’ll help you visualize what you have in front of you and what you need to continue doing to reach it.
Set big and small goals | Like most people, you’ve got a large, final goal you want to reach. But that pathway to that goal is made up of many smaller goals, regardless of whether you know it or not. Let’s say you want to run a 5k. Before you can do that you need to be able to walk a 5k and then jog a 5k. Eventually, you’ll work up to running, but it takes time and diligence.
Create a reward structure | Each time you reach one of your goals – big or small – you should reward yourself with something. It can be anything you’ve wanted except a food item.
Surround yourself with support | A solid network of support is crucial to success. If you don’t have a support network that’s aware of your goals and ready to help you along the way, you’ll be going at a large task all on your own. The rate of failure for people attempting goals like regular exercise or losing weight is much higher for those that don’t have a support group.
Give yourself a day of rest | In order for any exercise program to be effective, you’ll need rest. Focus on working out anywhere from 3-5 days a week and taking the other days to recover from your workouts.
Don’t forget to eat healthily | A healthy diet is still the best way to get the most out of your workout program. Focus on getting high-quality calories from lean proteins, fruits and veggies, and complex carbs.

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