Preventing Common Sports Injuries
If your New Year’s Resolution involves starting a more active lifestyle it’s important to make sure you don’t sabotage yourself by overdoing it or not taking proper precautions. It’s exciting to begin a new future with great ambition and a drive to improve your physical health by being more active, and we congratulate you on […]
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Joint Replacement Surgery And Why It’s Necessary
Joint replacement surgery is a solution for pain from worn or degenerative joints that have not responded to other treatments like medication and physical therapy. It stands as the last line of treatment in the surgeon’s tool kit and is a reliable and effective way of dealing with pains caused by injury, decay, or deformity […]
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Exercises to Strengthen Your Back
Your back does important work, supporting every part of your body through everything you do from walking and dancing to simply reaching over for something under your desk. That means it’s incredibly important to take proper care of your back and ensure that you give it every advantage to keep working properly for as long […]
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The Basics Of Stretching And How It Can Improve Your Life
When we were in High School PE we were always made to stretch before exercising during this period, but do you know why? We’ve all heard things about stretching indicating that it helps with cramping and can help release stress and tension, but is it really that important? The answer to this question is an […]
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Get The Family Out Of The House With These Outdoor Autumnal Adventures
With the cool weather of autumn setting in your kids are likely starting to spend even more time indoors than they did before. The coming of Fall is no reason to stop taking care of your body and having great family adventures with your kids though! Instead, you can have unique quality time together doing […]
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Running Without Injury
One of the most popular ways of getting in shape is to get out and hit the road running. This activity combines getting outside, working your cardio, and generally just enjoying the world around you in a more involved way. However, running can also be difficult to get into for many reasons, and if done […]
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Keeping Healthy Bones On A Dairy Free Diet
There’s a rising trend in dietary choices these days that mean more and more people are abandoning dairy as part of their diet. For years we’ve been told that eating dairy is a good way of getting the calcium we need to build strong bones, and in fact has been held out as the single […]
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Preventing Arthritis
Every year thousands of people are diagnosed with arthritis, though many people are unaware that arthritis is not, in fact, a single disease. Arthritis is a word used to define a condition in which the joints become painful, inflamed and stiff. There are a number of factors that cause arthritis, and because of this, it […]
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Surviving Summer Travels
This summer as you venture off on vacation, let Space Coast Orthopedics help you prepare your back for the prolonged periods of sitting that come with traveling. Sitting for extended periods of time results in pressure building up in your muscles that can cause feelings of discomfort of even pain. However, there are some things […]
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Nutrition and Your Bones
“You are what you eat” goes the famous expression many of us are familiar with. It is no secret that what we eat can affect various structures in our bodies. Certain structures in our bodies have specific dietary needs. Our bones, for example, can benefit from a particular type of nutrition, while also negatively being […]
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